* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Разработка рекомендаций по тепловой подготовке специальных агрегатов пожарных автоцистерн

UDC 614.846.6
Authors Kulakovskiy Boris Leonidovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Makhan'ko Vladimir Ivanovich
Kurachenko Igor' Yur'evich
Verdiev A.R.

Abstract Problems of thermal preparation of special units of fire tankers are considered. Results of pilot studies of thermal preparation of a pump compartment of a fire tanker of ATs-5,0-50/5(533709) are presented. Dependences of change of viscosity of frother on his temperature are given. The design of energy saving system of heating of the tank and pump compartment, the recommendation about ensuring reliable operation of a stationary foam mixer are offered