* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Использование компьютерного моделирования для повышения эффективности подготовки работников органов и подразделений по чрезвычайным ситуациям по управлению силами и средствами при ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций

UDC 614.842
Authors Polevoda Ivan Ivanovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Golub Oleg Vital'evich
Kudryashov Vadim Aleksandrovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Mikanovich Andrey Stanislavovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Osyaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Lyudko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Abstract The software has been developed for increase of efficiency of educational process which is aimed to training specialists of bodies and divisions on emergencies, to management of forces and means at elimination of emergencies, and designed for modeling of actions of fire rescue divisions at suppression of fires in a warehouse of oil and mineral oil.