* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Компьютерное моделирование аварийных режимов в электрических сетях и электрооборудовании

UDC 621.3: 614.841.3
Authors Shmakov Mikhail Sergeevich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ivanovich Aleksandr Alekseevich
Chaychits Nikolay Ivanovich

Abstract The possibility of application of computer modeling with the use of virtual electronic laboratory EWB Multisim 9 has been considered for various modes in networks and electric equipment including the case of emergencies. By a number of examples, the effectiveness of such approach, for instance, for practical training purpose has been shown. It has been pointed out the possibility of working out effective verification tools and prevention of consequences of emergencies modes.