* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Датчик контроля безопасности строительных конструкций на основе микроструктурированных оптических волноводов с несколькими сердцевинами

UDC 621.372.8.029.7 : 681.586.36
Authors Goncharenko Igor' Andreevich, Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ryabtsev Vitaliy Nikolaevich

Abstract In paper the optical sensor allowing measuring both a direction and bend and stress values in building structures is described. The sensitive element of the sensor is the microstructured fibre with three cores. Distribution of mode fields in fibre cores depending on fibre structure and bend value is analysed. The optimisation of the sensitive element parameters depending on the purpose of use is proposed.