* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Опасные факторы пожара на начальной стадии в смежном помещении в рамках интегральной модели

UDC 519.6 + 536.46 + 614.841
Authors Kuz'mitskiy Valeriy Aleksandrovich, Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Researcher, Associate Professor
Polevoda Ivan Ivanovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Osyaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Abstract The integral model equations have been presented which describe fire in the building consisting of several enclosures. The dynamic of fire dangerous factors at initial stage has been considered for the case of two enclosures. For the indoor adjacent to the enclosure in fire, the analytical dependencies for the dynamic of the gas medium changes has been obtained.