* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Особенности формирования образа чрезвычайной ситуации у специалистов по ее ликвидации

UDC 159.9:614.8
Authors Kremen' Marks Aronovich, Grand PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor
Gerasimchik Aleksandr Petrovich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Bogomaz Ol'ga Vladimirovna

Abstract Characteristics of compiling and functioning of an emergency image in rescuers' consciousness as a peculiar image of the dynamic object are considered in the article. The structure of rescuers' activity in the process of emergency elimination is discussed as well. The engineering-psychological plan of actions of an emergency manager is presented, which describes the process of emergency elimination in terms of human engineering.