* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Методика проведения натурных наблюдений за процессами деформации (абразии) коренных берегов водохранилищ Беларуси

UDC 627.8+627.222.5+631.459.31
Authors Kobyak Valeriy Viktorovich, PhD in Technical Sciences
Kukshinov Mikhail Sergeevich, PhD in Geographic Sciences

Abstract Lowland water-storage basins in Belarus are established. The types and frequency of field observations over deformation of banks are identified. The choice for identification of potentially dangerous areas prone to abrasion processes with their partition into control ranges and diameters is offered. The method for field studies of deformation processes (abrasion) of loose banks at water-storage basins of Belarus is presented.