* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Защита от коррозии деталей ранцевых установок пожаротушения композиционными покрытиями на основе сплава Cu-Ni 2. Изучение фазового состава, микроструктуры и физико-механических свойств томпаковых покрытий

UDC 669.24:541.138.2
Authors Reva Ol'ga Vladimirovna, PhD in Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Mikhalyuk Sergey Alekseevich
Bogdanova Valentina Vladimirovna, Grand PhD in Chemical Sciences, Researcher

Abstract The research of dependence the phase composition, microstructure and physic-mechanical properties of Cu-Ni films, synthesized by electrochemical sedimentation from conditions of synthesis is conducted. Course of intensive soft diffusion in nanostructured electrochemical alloys at the moment of their shaping is proved. Optimum conditions of deriving the alloys, steady against liquid corrosion in excited environments for protection the fire extinguishing installations details are defined.