* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Разработка переносного пеносмесителя и схем расстановки средств пенного тушения нефтепродуктов в крупных резервуарных парках

UDC 614.841.412
Authors Kulakovskiy Boris Leonidovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Makhan'ko Vladimir Ivanovich
Kapel'chuk Evgeniy Valer'evich
Kurachenko Igor' Yur'evich
Boreyko Artur Mikhaylovich

Abstract We consider the urgency of solving the problems of quenching oil burning in large tank farms. We present a new design of a portable foam mixers, as well as a plan for the installation of fire fighting foams to support the work of a six-APR-2000 foam generators installed at the pumping station at the PNS-130 water the source and eight-APR-2000 with the installation of four tanks on the water source.