* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Тепло- и массоперенос в ограниченных пространствах строительных конструкций

UDC 621.1.016 7 (075.8)
Authors Khrustalev Boris Mikhaylovich, Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor
Yancharskiy I.B.
Akel'ev Valeriy Dmitrievich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Chervaneva E.A.

Abstract In the article problems of heat- mass-transfer in the limited areas of building constructions when heat- mass- rehabilitation of heated buildings exterior fence constructions, chimneys, joint conjugations of large-panel constructions, different air flows, the method of wall’s thermal resistance diagnostic analyzed. Projects of its realization proposed. Fence constructions and heated building rooms stability concerning aerodynamic, diffusion and dropping flows terminus proposed.