* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Экспериментально-статистические модели для прогнозирования влияния внешних термовоздействий на скорость горения пиротехнических смесей

UDC 614.841:536.46
Authors Kirichenko O.V.
Abstract Experimental-statistical models are developed designed for calculating the dependences of the combustion speed of the condensed mixtures from the powders of metallic fuels (magnesium, aluminum, zirconium) and nitrate-containing oxidizer (sodium nitrate) depending on the basic parameters of external thermal influences (temperature of heating (to 800 K) and external pressure (to 107 Pa)) and the influence on them of the technological parameters of the models of the mixtures (excess oxidant ratio ? = 0,05… 6,0 and the average particle size of the powders of metallic fuels (dm= 74,5 mkm – for magnesium, dm = 54 mkm – for aluminum and dm = 5 mkm – for nitrate-thermal zirconium)). The limits of the combustion of mixtures are established in the relationship of the components (upper and lower) the concentration limits of combustion – maximum contents in the mixture of metallic fuel and oxidizer, with which the process of their combustion is stable. It is shown that an increase in the temperature of heating and external pressure leads to the considerable acceleration of the process of the combustion of the mixtures (speed of combustion it grows more than 5 times) and to its passage from the stable state into the dangerously explosive.