* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Оценка времени следования пожарно-спасательных подразделений к месту пожара (на примере г. Львова)

UDC 614.8
Authors Emel'yanenko S.A.
Kuzyk A.D., PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences

Abstract Questions of the determination of time arrival rescue units in the cities are not enough studied. The paper analyzes the running time of rescue units to the fire in Lvov, using electronic Yandex maps and its function «Traffic jam». By the example of Lvov, it is conducted evaluation of running time roads taking into account day of the week, time of the day using proposed based on Voronoy's diagrams sectioning response rescue units and information about driving speed in these areas. Conducted calculation shows significant difference between average and maximum running time in zones of unit service, particular in the «rush hours».