* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Экспериментальное определение пожарной опасности изоляционных материалов бортовых электросетей транспортных средств

UDC 656.132:621.3
Authors Gavrilyuk A.F.
Gudym Vasiliy Il'ich, Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor
Petrovskiy V.L.

Abstract It is considered a fire hazard of the electricity cables of the board system in passenger car. It is held the experimental investigation to determine the flammability, the temperature of the ignition and spontaneous ignition and also the temperature of softening and melting of the insulating material. It was established that the insulating material of electric wires of board network is combustible and has medium inflammability; moreover it is able to ignite and maintain the fire.