* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Psychological aspects of the activity of units and subunits for emergency situations in the sphere of mass communication

UDC 159.9:614.8
Authors Kremen' Marks Aronovich, Grand PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor
Gerasimchik Aleksandr Petrovich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Bogdanovich Aleksey Borisovich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Sergeev Vsevolod Nikolaevich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Abstract Key object of efforts of the MES for safety providing is the population. The influence over the population concerns providing with information, teaching safety behaviour, creation of safety conditions of labour, education and life through effective communication at all levels of the society. Important mediator between authorized services of the Ministry and the population is mass media. The mass media present multiple communicative channels for control information impact on various social groups carried out by units and subunits for emergency situations. Such impact can be systemic only taking into consideration psychological particularities of target group and psychological component of communication processes.
Keywords safety, effective communication, operational dynamic image, psychological effects, massmedia, population