* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Numerical modeling of the motion of the extinguishing agent in flow path of water-foam nozzle

UDC [614.842.612:614.843.4]+52-17
Authors Kamlyuk Andrey Nikolaevich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Shirko Aleksey Vladimirovich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences
Grachulin Aleksandr Vladimirovich, PhD in Technical Sciences
Nguen Dong An', Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences
Chan Dyk Khoan

Abstract We present a description of the motion of the extinguishing agent in flow path of water-foam nozzle in order to optimize its geometrical parameters by finite element method. Shows the general structure of the project, defined a computational domain and formulated boundary conditions of numerical simulation. Determined and analyzed the flow characteristics of the extinguishing agent in flow path of water-foam nozzle by which we can conclude the appearance of cavitation process and the extent of his influence. Offered the possible ways to improve the characteristics of water-foam nozzle.
Keywords water-foam nozzle; cavitation; hydraulics; finite element method; numerical modeling; parameter optimization
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