* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Psychology of interactions between units and subunits for emergency situations and mass media problem of algorithmization

UDC 159.9:614.8
Authors Kremen' Marks Aronovich, Grand PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor
Gerasimchik Aleksandr Petrovich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Bogdanovich Aleksey Borisovich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Sergeev Vsevolod Nikolaevich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Novitskiy Vitaliy Vladimirovich

Abstract Emergencies occur mostly unpredictably and pass stochastically. Their development differs so much from “ordinary” everyday practice. Under such conditions there is a growing temptation to eliminate the uncertainty by regulation of information flows and algorithmization of actions of authorized services of MES in the field of interaction with mass media. However the relations in crises communicative media do not endure simple schemes and na?ve behaviour models. The problem of applicability of algorithmization approaches in order to obtain controlled media-psychological effects is discussed in this article.
Keywords media impacts, mass communication, MES, mass media, agitation, propaganda