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On the influence of acoustic waves on combustion processes

UDC 543.222.2
Authors Il'yushonok Aleksandr Vasil'evich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Goncharenko Igor' Andreevich, Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Leshenyuk Nikolay Stepanovich, Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Kuleshov Vladimir Konstantinovich, PhD in Technical Sciences
Tereshenkov Vladimir Ivanovich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Abstract Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to present the brief survey of the state of research in the field of interaction of flame with acoustic waves.
Findings. The acoustic waves could be effectively utilized for controlling the combustion process for the purpose of increasing the fuel using efficiency and decreasing the pollutant emission.
Application field of research. The obtained results could be used for the development of alternative methods of fire control and extinguishing.
Conclusions. The presented researches showed the possibility of fire extinguishing by the use of acoustical action. However, the mechanism of extinguishing remains uncertain. Therefore, the substantial extent of theoretical and experimental researches is still needed. In particular, one can note the importance of experimental research on extinguishing of surface combustion.
Keywords sound waves, acoustic fields, flame, combustion process, extinguishing of combustion
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