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Polymeric fire extinguishing means for fire extinguishing in electric installations under voltage

UDC 614.841.1:614.841.3/4
Authors Bogdanova Valentina Vladimirovna, Grand PhD in Chemical Sciences, Researcher
Tikhonov Maksim Mikhaylovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Mamedov Anar Mikhmanovich

Abstract Purpose. The results of researches of influence of system retardants on physical, chemical, fire-blocking and fire-extinguishing properties of the composite material is based on expandable polyurethane foam brand «Izolan-125», which is a promising material as agent limits the spread of fire on cable mines civil buildings, as well as the fire-extinguishing agent for extinguishing fires of different classes.
Methods. In research were used: method of complete factorial experiment, the method of differential scanning calorimetry, complex thermal, spectrophotometric and variance analyses, electron microscopy.
Findings. This paper presents new experimental data on the development and adjustment method of full factorial experiment of the formulation of retarder of burning, thereby creating a flame retardant rigid polyurethane foam brand «Izolan-125» with a satisfactory reactivity and physical and chemical properties. Series of tests showed the presence of flame retardant effect. The flame retardant polyurethane foam can be used for extinguishing fires in electrical installations under voltage.
Application field of research. The obtained experimental data on the mechanism of action of the investigated retardants allow a directed approach to the development of flame retardants for polyurethane foams of different brands.
Conclusions. Designed in flameproof polyurethane foam, material has relatively lower costs than other extinguishing agents, indicating a higher fire-extinguishing efficiency. Along with the advantage of condensed foam in comparison with liquid formulations, it shows high dielectric characteristics, which opens the possibility of applying the flame retardant material designed to extinguish fires in electrical installations under voltage.
Keywords polyurethane, ammonium phosphates, flame retardant, extinguishing of fires, fire extinguishing ability, dielectric properties
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