* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Advantages and disadvantages of existing terminals of the automated centralized alert system

UDC 355.583
Authors Kachan Vadim Alekseevich
Kobyak Valeriy Viktorovich, PhD in Technical Sciences

Abstract Purpose. To consider the advantages and disadvantages of the existing terminal means of notification, as well as the issues concerning the scoring of the territory by technical means of verbal communication.
Methods. A comparative analysis of the existing terminal alerts to prepare proposals for improvement.
Findings. On the base of the result of a comparative analysis of the used terminal means of warning, the ways of their improving are suggested.
Application field of research. The system of notification of the population in emergency situations. The use of terminal means of notification.
Conclusions. The article gives suggestions on the improvement of technical means of voice transmission of emergency information to ensure guaranteed reception of alert signals throughout the republic.
Keywords notification, terminal means of warning, electric sirens, loudspeakers, VHF/FM receivers
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