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Peculiarities of intedependence of future rescuer officers’ risk-readiness and their psychological well-being

UDC 159.9:614.8-057.36
Authors Vrublevskiy Andrey Valer'evich
Lepeshinskiy Nikolay Nikolaevich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Abstract Purpose. Peculiar features of mutual interference of risk-readiness and psychological well-being of cadets undertaking training to work as the heads of rescuers' divisions are investigated.
Methods. The analysis of scientific resources on approaches to assessing psychological well-being and risk-readiness has been done. An experimental study with the use of Schubert Risk Readiness Diagnostics (RSK) and the methods for assessing the level of psychological well-being by the questionnaire «Psychological well-being scales» by C.D. Ryff (adapted by N.N. Lepeshinski) was organized and carried on.
Findings. A positive interdependence between risk-readiness and the factors of psychological well-being was found, with the only exception of the «The purpose of life» factor. Risk-readiness can increase the subjective sense of the rescuer's realization of his potential as a professional in the definite sphere, raising the level of psychological well-being. Increasing the level of psychological well-being can increase a rescue officer’s willingness and readiness to take risks.
Application field of research. Assessment of the level of preparedness for risk and psychological well-being will improve and develop rescue officers’ training. Besides it will allow assessing rescuer’s readiness to undertake a risk for the sake of rescuing people and improving the efficiency of his activities in emergency elimination.
Conclusions. It is of vital importance to consider the index of risk-readiness both in the professional selection and in the process of psychological support of a rescue officer. It is not less important to take into consideration the level of his psychological well-being. The higher is the psychological well-being level of a rescuer, the more it influences his readiness to take risks for the sake of success and the efficiency of his activity.
Keywords risk, risk-readiness, risk conditions, psychological well-being, rescuer, emergency
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