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Determination of the operating characteristics of firefighters’ helmets and suggestions for their improvement

UDC 614.847.7
Authors Dymov Sergey Mikhaylovich
Loginov Vladimir Ivanovich, Grand PhD in Technical Sciences
Vishchekin Maksim Vadimovich
Rusanov Dmitriy Yur'evich

Abstract Purpose. The aim of the work was to analyze the problems associated with the operation of fire helmets, and search for solutions at the design and production stages. The task of the study was to identify the technological and operational features of fire helmets, the most widely distributed in the fire departments.
Methods. Questionnaire of the employees to estimate a number of technical indicators of the helmets which are in operation in the division.
Findings. Based on the requirements of the national standard GOST R 53269-2009 a number of technical indicators have been formed that characterize the main operational properties of fire helmets.
Application field of research. On the basis of answers of users technological and operational features of definite models of fire helmets most widespread in divisions of fire service are established.
Conclusions. General aggregate proposals were formed to improve the performance properties of the SPM, SPM-S, KP-2002, SKPS helmets.
Keywords firefighter’s helmet, operation of fire helmets, complaints, suggestions for improving operational characteristics
1. Fire Equipment. Helmets firefighters. General technical requirements. Test method: GOST R 53269-2009. Affirmed 18.02.2009. Moscow: The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation, 2009. 23 p. (rus).
2. Scientific and technical report on the theme «Analysis of the efficiency of operation of fire trucks, personal protective equipment, fire-technical weapons, and fire hoses. Development of the offer on their modernization to change of regulations of a service provision of the modern Park of fire trucks» Vol. 1. FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia № 6311. Advisor M. Dymov, executor M.V. Vishchekin. (rus)..