* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Operational response to radiation accident on the example of the republican top-table exercise

UDC 614.8.084:614.876:351.861
Authors Khudoleev Aleksandr Fedorovich
Abstract Purpose. Problematic issues arising during operational response to radiation accidents are considered on the example of the republican table-top exercise.
Methods. The methods of analysis and planning have been used in the research.
Findings. The recommendations have been given to reduce the number of problems and to consequently increase the effectiveness of the response to radiation accident.
Application field of research. The obtained data can be used in the field of planning of management decisions.
Conclusions. The analysis of problematic issues that arise during the table-top exercise provides an understanding of the need to improve the legislative base, provision of rescuers with necessary equipment, and to develop the skills of persons who make management decisions.
Keywords operational response, radiation accident, table-top exercise, management decisions, BelNPP
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