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Application of the method of network scheduling for assessment of effectiveness of the algorithm of actions of officials at emergency response on the Belarusian nuclear power station

UDC 614.8.084:614.876:351.861:517.977.5
Authors Khudoleev Aleksandr Fedorovich
Akulich Inna Petrovna, PhD in Technical Sciences
Tikhonov Maksim Mikhaylovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Akulich Sergey Vyacheslavovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Abstract Purpose. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the emergency response measures at the Belarusian NPP. Reducing to a minimum the time of their execution.
Methods. The method of network scheduling was used to the optimization of work duration.
Findings. An approach to drawing up the network schedule on the basis of actions algorithm of the officials involved in elimination of emergency situation is described, the expressions for calculation of time parameters of the network schedule and also the approach to assessment of effectiveness of actions algorithm on the basis of critical path method are presented.
Application field of research. The results of the study can be used for the correction of actions for elimination of emergency situation on the Belarusian nuclear power station.
Conclusions. Decision support, evaluation of decisions effectiveness, correction of actions based on the analysis of the obtained estimates is a complex task. Making proposed changes to the algorithm of actions of officials will allow a 33 % reduction in the estimated time for carrying out a set of measures to eliminate emergency situations at the Belarusian NPP.
Keywords network scheduling, effectiveness assessment, emergency situation, critical path, BelNPP
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