* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Application of the testing control software in distant training of specialists on operational and tactical activity

UDC 004.4:614.842.6
Authors Polevoda Ivan Ivanovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Rad'kov Igor' Anatol'evich
Sak Semen Petrovich
Chizh Lyudmila Viktorovna
Morozov Artem Aleksandrovich
Ropot Petr Petrovich
Gnitsevich Andrey Ivanovich

Abstract Purpose. Development and implementation of software that allows controlling knowledge in the field of emergency response.
Methods. The software was developed using the object-oriented programming language C# and the SQLite database management system.
Findings. The developed software allows for the control of knowledge and training of employees of the Ministry of emergency situations in the direction of operational and tactical activities.
Application field of research. Control of knowledge and training of employees of the Ministry of emergency situations in the field of operational and tactical activities.
Conclusions. The program has a final form and can be used in bodies and departments of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus, educational institutions of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in other educational and scientific organizations.
Keywords testing complex, testing, software, training, knowledge control
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