| The model of standard-prescribed behavior of a rescuer in a situation of combat work |
UDC 159.99 |
Authors | Sergeev Vsevolod Nikolaevich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Abstract | Purpose. The term of «standard-prescribed behavior (of a rescuer)» allowing to perform the functional analysis of rescuer’s actions in a situation of combat activity is presented.
Methods. General logical methods, conceptual analysis, functional analysis, methods of conceptual behavior analysis and experimental behavior analysis.
Findings. The standard-prescribed behavior is based on the so-called legal type of control. The mechanisms of modeling of required behavior through standard rules, ways of increasing its probability, tools of transfer of behavior in various situations are analyzed. The distinction of patterns of individual behavior, as well as its social forms facilitating the cumulative effect is made.
Application field of research. The model of standard-prescribed behavior of a rescuer can be used to organize the experimental study of battle training efficiency.
Conclusion. The standard rules (Combat regulations, safety rules etc.) prescribe a particular order of actions in any situation. The standard regulation of behavior structurally reproduces the model of control of behavior due to existing consequences (i.e. includes guideline of conditions, expected behavior and its result) and can be analyzed with the help of the so-called ABC-scheme or formula SD-R-C. |
Keywords | rescuer, combat activity, combat training, standard prescribed behavior, legal control, rule-governed behavior, interlocked behavioral contingencies |
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* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.