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Using of the water force of hydrotechnical constructions in armed conflicts

UDC 627.8
Authors Akhmedov Mashrap Abdukadirovich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences
Salyamova Klara Dzhabbarovna, Grand PhD in Technical Sciences

Abstract Purpose. Based on the review and analysis, to conduct practical research on the occurrence of problems in the basins of border rivers that can lead to conflict situations, and to present some examples of the use of destructive water power through the erection of artificial reservoirs (dams and levees).
Methods. Review and analysis of practical experience on the use of destructive power of water: artificially created water obstacles leading to military conflict between bordering countries (for example, between Iraq and Iran).
Findings. The analysis of examples (in China) of a negative impact of hydro technical structure erection (mega dams, levees) on the environment and potential danger for downstream countries is given; violation of the rules of dam operation in Tibet can lead to catastrophic consequences – numerous human losses, destruction of thousands of square kilometers of agricultural land and territories of densely populated villages of India and Pakistan.
Application field of research. Analysis of practical experience of the use of available water resources, especially in Central Asia, where there is an acute shortage of water, indicates the need to properly manage these problems without leading to political conflicts. Artificially created water retaining structures should not be a threat to human life.
Conclusions. Water retaining hydrotechnical structures (dams, levees), being a source of energy and playing an important role in the life support of the population, can be the sources of destruction and danger for downstream areas at the same time. The artificial change of the river bed led to military conflicts in the territories of bordering countries. Since ancient times, water has also been a source of defense of territories against enemy attacks, a source of blackmail and pressure on neighboring countries.
Keywords water shortage, military conflict, river basin: Nile, Euphrates, Mekong, Ganges, Jordan, Shatt-El-Arab, floods, destruction, mega dams, hydrotechnical structures
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