* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Дымообразующая способность кабельных изделий

UDC 614.84:681.5
Authors Dmitrichenko Aleksandr Stepanovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ivanovich Aleksandr Alekseevich
Chaychits Nikolay Ivanovich
Zinkevich Gennadiy Nikolaevich

Abstract Article is devoted to a problem of maintenance of fire safety of cable products. Ability to form a smoke is a component of fire danger of the cables, therefore the enhanced attention should be given to the given question. Authors analyze the phenomena resulting to the raised formation of a smoke. It is offered as one of kinds of tests of cables on ability to form a smoke, to carry out in a mode of decay of a cable product, and it is planned to develop a test method, and also to develop criteria of an estimation of results.