* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Расчеты динамики пожара в помещении на основе интегральной модели

UDC 519.6 + 536.46 + 614.841
Authors Dmitrichenko Aleksandr Stepanovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Polevoda Ivan Ivanovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Osyaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Krasovskiy Sergey Gennad'evich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Demenchuk Aleksandr Konstantinovich, PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Makarov Evgeniy Konstantinovich, Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Kuz'mitskiy Valeriy Aleksandrovich, Grand PhD in Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Researcher, Associate Professor

Abstract The study was performed with the aim to reproduce the experimental data concerning the fire dynamic in the enclosure. Using the master equation of the integral model, that considers the energy and mass balance, we have simulated the air quality indoors. The range of matching of the calculated and experimental results have been analyzed taking into account such factors as analytical form of the time dependence for the specific mass burning rate, role of gas flows through the window openings, effect of the initial date on the position of the equal pressure level. It has been shown that, at appropriate choice of the fitting parameters, the calculated temperature results are in semi-quantitative accordance with the experimental data; however, the agreement in the gas flows outgoes through the window openings are less satisfactory.