Asilbejli Ramiz
Passport: Асилбейли Рамиз Рамазан оглы
Translit (BGN): Asilbeyli Ramiz Ramazan
State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus», Minsk, Belarus
1. Parmon V.V., Kamlyuk A.N., Volchek Y.S., Asilbeyli R.R., Morozov A.A.
Experimental investigations of the fire barell SPRUK 50/0,7 «Viking» when supplying water // Journal of Civil Protection. – 2017. – Vol. 1, No. 2. – Pp. 159-166.

* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.