* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Psychology of life safety information component

UDC 159.9:614.8
Authors Kremen' Marks Aronovich, Grand PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor
Gerasimchik Aleksandr Petrovich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Bogdanovich Aleksey Borisovich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Sergeev Vsevolod Nikolaevich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Novitskiy Vitaliy Vladimirovich

Abstract The article deals with the parameters influencing information and propagation activity of appropriate services of the MES of the Republic of Belarus in the context of safety provision of labour activities. The analysis of the components of labour process influencing psychological state and involving risks of incidents and manmade accidents is carried out. Special attention is paid to the component of labour organization. The concept of perspective methodological base of information influence of the MES on population involved in the sphere of production is elaborated. As such base safety psychology being a branch of psychological science can be proposed. Principles of safety psychology can serve as a foundation of life safety culture. A number of effects are revealed which appear in the process of information influence on the object and impede the positive effective result. This work is one of the first attempts of systemic analysis of indicated parameters concerning the activity of the Ministry for Emergency Situations.
Keywords information and propagation activity, safety psychology, effects of information influence, safety provision of labour activities