* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.

Cement boards thermophysical characteristics for solving the tasks of nonstationary high-temperature heating

UDC 536.4:666.946
Authors Kudryashov Vadim Aleksandrovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Botyan Sergey Sergeevich
Danilova-Tret'yak Svetlana Mikhaylovna, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Nikolaeva Kristina Viktorovna

Abstract Purpose. The paper is devoted to cement boards thermophysical characteristics based on experimental research in relation to nonstationary high-temperature heating.
Methods. Thermophysical characteristics were evaluated by experimental studies on special equipment.
Findings. Experimental thermophysical characteristics of flat cement boards samples in relation to nonstationary heat flows were found.
Application field of research. The obtained thermal properties can be used in thermal problem evaluating during fire resistance assessment procedures.
Conclusions. As a result, thermophysical characteristics were obtained for samples of flat cement boards on the basis of experimental studies of special equipment for nonstationary heat flows. The resulting thermal properties give satisfactory convergence only in certain temperature ranges.
Keywords fire resistance; thermophysical characteristics; thermal conductivity coefficient; thermal diffusivity; specific heat; cement boards; temperature coefficient of linear expansion
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