Danilova-Tretyak Svetlana
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Passport: Данилова-Третьяк Светлана Михайловна
Translit (BGN): Danilova-Tret'yak Svetlana Mikhaylovna
ORCID iD iconorcid.org/
A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
e-mail: dts@hmti.ac.by
1. Kudryashov V.A., Botyan S.S., Danilova-Tret'yak S.M., Nikolaeva K.V.
Cement boards thermophysical characteristics for solving the tasks of nonstationary high-temperature heating // Journal of Civil Protection. – 2018. – Vol. 2, No. 3. – Pp. 327-335.

* Metadata of the article in the English version is available in full starting in 2016.